Got Questions?
We’ve Got Answers

Whether you're curious about how CIQRA works, need more details on its features, or want to know how easy it is to transition to CIQRA, FAQ section covers it all. We’re here to help you understand how CIQRA can be the perfect fit for your business needs.
What makes CIQRA different from other CMS and E-commerce platforms?
What makes CIQRA different from other CMS and E-commerce platforms?

CIQRA is designed for enterprise-level customization, with support for REST API integrations, unlimited scalability, and advanced global features.

Can CIQRA integrate with my existing systems?
Can CIQRA integrate with my existing systems?

Yes, CIQRA supports custom API integrations, making it easy to connect with your current tools and processes.

How easy is it to migrate my existing site to CIQRA?
How easy is it to migrate my existing site to CIQRA?

Migrating to CIQRA is straightforward and hassle-free. Our expert team will guide you through the entire data migration process, ensuring that all your content, products, and customer information are transferred seamlessly. Whether you’re coming from a different CMS or E-commerce platform, we’ll handle the technical details so you can focus on running your business.

What kind of customization options does CIQRA offer?
What kind of customization options does CIQRA offer?

CIQRA provides enterprise-level customization, allowing you to tailor every aspect of your site to meet your unique business needs. From custom workflows to REST API integrations, CIQRA is built to adapt to your specific requirements, making it the perfect solution for businesses of all sizes.

Can I integrate CIQRA with my existing systems?
Can I integrate CIQRA with my existing systems?

Absolutely! CIQRA is designed with flexibility in mind, offering powerful REST API support for seamless integration with your existing CRM, ERP, and other business systems. This ensures that your platform is always in sync with your operations, making it easier to manage your business.

How does CIQRA handle multi-language and multi-currency support?
How does CIQRA handle multi-language and multi-currency support?

CIQRA supports 164 languages and unlimited currencies, making it easy to operate in multiple regions. You can manage language paths and currency settings directly from the CMS, ensuring that your customers have a localized shopping experience no matter where they are in the world.

Is CIQRA secure?
Is CIQRA secure?

Yes, CIQRA is built on a secure ASP.NET MVC 5 framework, with advanced encryption and security protocols to protect your data. We prioritize your business’s security, ensuring that all transactions and customer information are safeguarded.

How scalable is CIQRA?
How scalable is CIQRA?

CIQRA is designed to grow with your business. There are no limits on the number of products, categories, or manufacturers you can manage. Whether you’re a small business or a global enterprise, CIQRA provides the scalability needed to handle your operations efficiently.

How easy is it to manage content and products on CIQRA?
How easy is it to manage content and products on CIQRA?

CIQRA offers a user-friendly interface with dynamic content management and template structures, allowing you to update your site effortlessly.

Can I customize the checkout experience on CIQRA?
Can I customize the checkout experience on CIQRA?

Yes, CIQRA allows you to fully customize the checkout process to suit your business needs. You can integrate various payment gateways, set up country-specific payment options, and create a seamless checkout experience that enhances customer satisfaction and drives conversions.

How does CIQRA handle reporting and analytics?
How does CIQRA handle reporting and analytics?

CIQRA offers advanced reporting and analytics tools that provide detailed insights into your business performance. With customizable reports and real-time data, you can monitor sales, track customer behavior, and make informed decisions to optimize your strategy and drive growth.

How does CIQRA support marketing initiatives?
How does CIQRA support marketing initiatives?

CIQRA seamlessly integrates with leading marketing platforms such as Mailchimp, Klaviyo, and Esendio, enabling you to execute personalized campaigns and automate your marketing workflows. Additionally, you can incorporate product reviews and ratings from platforms like Trustpilot directly into your product pages, enhancing credibility and customer engagement.

Can I manage transactional emails through CIQRA?
Can I manage transactional emails through CIQRA?

Yes, CIQRA offers dynamic transactional email management directly through its CMS. You can create, modify, and customize email templates for various regions, languages, and customer segments, ensuring consistent and personalized communication with your customers.

How user-friendly is CIQRA for non-technical staff?
How user-friendly is CIQRA for non-technical staff?

CIQRA is designed with a focus on user-friendliness. Its intuitive interface allows users without technical backgrounds to manage content, update products, and monitor performance with ease. Real-time updates and a flexible template structure make it simple to keep your website current and engaging.

What kind of promotional campaigns can I run using CIQRA?
What kind of promotional campaigns can I run using CIQRA?

CIQRA supports a wide array of promotional campaigns and discount models. You can create targeted promotions, manage discount codes, and tailor campaigns to specific customer segments or regions. This flexibility allows you to craft marketing strategies that resonate with your audience and drive sales effectively.

How does CIQRA help with SEO?
How does CIQRA help with SEO?

CIQRA comes with built-in SEO tools to help you optimize your website for search engines. From customizable meta tags to clean URL structures and fast load times, CIQRA is designed to improve your site’s visibility and help you attract more organic traffic.

Start Selling Globally with CIQRA Today!

Start Selling Globally with CIQRA Today!

Take your business to the next level with our all-in-one CMS and E-commerce platform. Enjoy the freedom to customize, expand, and grow without limits.